Laoursc rules.

Scotty and Sarah's B-day broners.


There is a shoebox in my shed which is full of unopened crazy straws. A present from Loz on my 19th birthday. Loz has to make his own though.

The wall in my dentist is covered in multiple pictures, all by the same 'Brave Little Fighting Boy Jer'.


C-lo and I-Gomez.

Boonie bath.

Roof at Ollie's new place is an ultimate hang out spot, you can see the monkeys in the zoo. I didn't get a photo because my battery died, this is also why there's no pictures from Zed-Fest at Andre's house which was all kinds of awesome.

Sunny sunday blah blah.

Summer Brennan Packet Check.

Fishing for Eels.

'Trash Humpers'.

Sunday House Concert.